About Us
Originally started for the HTC Desire HD in 2012, and since then has evolved into a mature ROM with the BEST community that you can find! Until Android Lollipop, the ROM has always been based on AOKP. Unfortunately, since AOKP stopped development (but made a comeback later), we changed our base to CM. With the re-brand of CM to LineageOS (LOS) we became LineageOS based with some tweaks from AOSP and then changed to be based on the "Ground Zero Open Source Project" (GZOSP) for Android Pie. We changed again for Android Q with a base of AOSP repositories and some additions from LineageOS for device specific repositories. If there are any bugs, either we will sort them out, if it concerns our code base. This ROM isn't LineageOS supported, so there is no need to report errors/bugs to them!!
In AICP we try our best to provide the best experience to our users.
- Open Source
- Weekly builds
- Support is provided
With our AICP ROM, you have more freedom and more choices.
AICP ROM is open source and everyone is able to contribute to the development of the ROM. You can find us on GitHub and gerrit.
You can see our features by clicking on the tab.
One of the most customizable OS out-of-the-box.
OTA Updates
Over-the-Air notifications about new OS version releases for the device, as well as the ability to install the release from the updater app.
Available for a wide range of devices with support from developers in forums.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have an ETA for the next build?
Yes, just look here to see what day your device is built on.
Does this ROM support custom kernels officially?
No. You can still use them, but discussion should go in the thread of the respective kernel. We don't offer support for bugs you might encounter while using them!
Why doesn't this ROM support Xposed?
Xposed is a hack that is geared towards AOSP. Custom ROMs modify the framework a lot, so Xposed can cause a ton of issues on custom ROMs. Now it might work for you, however it is not to be discussed in this thread, and you should refrain from posting bug reports.
What do I need to know before flashing?
Check the flashing instructions...
Can the builds be dirty flashed over each other?
Yes, this is the usual behaviour on flashing a new official build by (or using) the built-in updater service.
How do I 'dirty flash' builds?
Wipe the System, Cache and ART/Dalvik cache. Flash the ROM, GApps (only needed if you wipe the system), your preferred root solution and reboot. Or just use the OTA app to preform that task for you.
How do I flash kernel builds?
Answer 1: If it's a .img file, boot into TWRP and go to the install page in TWRP, in the bottom right corner select "install image", select the desired kernel, then select "boot" as the destination, then swipe to flash, then go back to the install screen and install your root method again, if you don't want to loose root and reboot.
Answer 2: If it's a flashable ZIP, you can flash it together with a ROM update or separately. Go to the install page in TWRP, choose the kernel zip (or add it to the flash queue right after the ROM zip). Then add your root method to the queue if you don't want to loose root. Now swipe to flash and reboot afterwards.
Do I need to provide a logcat if I'm reporting a bug?
If you want it to be fixed faster (or at all) then yes, you should definitely provide a logcat AND the model name. (Note: Please just link the logcat from your GDrive, Dropbox, etc. and do not post the content here. Thanks.
Meet the gang

Davor Bertovic
Godfather of AICP
Ali B
System Admin, Main Developer and a dumpling Maintainer of AICP
Doc HD
System Admin, Main Developer and a instantnoodle(p), kebab, beryllium Maintainer of AICP
Main Developer of AICP
Ralf Luther
Team Nanny of AICP
Spencer Dowden
Junior Nanny of AICP and a enchilada Maintainer
George Zacharia
Developer of AICP
Michele Bono
System Admin and a Main Developer
Tom Marshall
fajita,pro1 Maintainer of AICP
Vasilj Milosevic
Graphic designer of AICP
Carlos Solano
cheeseburger and a enchilada Maintainer of AICP
Diego Casasnovas
raphael Maintainer of AICP
Alex Tsanis
Maintainer Approval and a raphael Maintainer of AICP
Moshe Barash
zl1, obiwan, Maintainer / Developer of AICP
Julian Veit
m7, m8, m8d, hima, hotdog, enchilada and Miami Maintainer of AICP
Joel Stein
hima Maintainer of AICP
bonito and a sargo Maintainer of AICP
vayu Maintainer of AICP
ginkgo Maintainer of AICP
Christos Papageorgiou
That JamesDSP dude of AICP
davinci Maintainer of AICP
surya Maintainer of AICP
Lucas Ponez
sanders Maintainer of AICP
victara, harpia and beckham Maintainer of AICP
albus, addison Maintainer of AICP
river, ocean Maintainer of AICP